The best commercial Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota has for the Do> campaign! You know the one…a middle aged, slightly overweight man gets up in the waiting room and the song “Let me see you groove” starts and he is off dancing away. As he awkwardly grooves through the waiting room the receptionist behind the desk starts chewing on her pen and starring at him with interest.

Blue Cross Blue Shield kicked the Do> in 2004 to tackle the issue of obesity in Minnesota. Lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating combined, remain the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States. If left unchecked, obesity will add an additional $3.7 billion in health care costs annually in Minnesota by 2020. So, what can we do about it?

Blue Cross Blue Shield has done a bang up job in calling attention to obesity and how average americans can help themselves stay healthy by doing simple things. Making better food choices, moving for 30 minutes a day and making time to be active can lead to a better and healthier lifestyle. The commercial is focusing on the middle aged segment of Minnesota, but the Do> program is for everybody.

The commercial aired in 2009 is targeted toward the average working American in the mid 40’s/50’s of life. Impossible to know how many times it has been viewed because there are so many copies of it on youtube and it’s also on the Blue Cross Do> website, the one I have attached to this blog has had 11,719 views. The pot bellied man hears the song on the radio and gets up and grooves. It’s such a simple and effective message. So effective, that the Do> program is alive and well. There is a website named that is dedicated to the Do> program. Watch old and new commercials, see flyers and billboards and read success stories of regular people making a lifestyle change by simply From small tips like taking the stairs instead of the elevator to recipes for healthier eating, Blue Cross Blue Shield has done what other insurance companies have not. They have gotten Minnesota grooving and lowering healthcare costs at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Since the successful launch of the Do> program, they have invested a lot into it and people are responding. Now they have bikes you can rent all over the metro area. The “Nice Ride” campaign began in June 2010 and is another way to Do>.

I think that Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN have done what all insurance companies should be doing. Aiding people of all walks of life toward a healthier life, lowering healthcare costs overall. A really cool factor of the Do> program is this: it is funded by the money the insurance company received from the Big tobacco settlement. No one is paying for it through their monthly premiums. From the fun commercials to the inspiring stories of real people making small changes to increase their happiness by living a healthier lifestyle, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN has changed the way I look at all insurance companies. Finally, a health insurance company that is not only taking preventative care seriously, they are creating the buzz surrounding it. They have taken the issue of obesity head on and got real people to make small changes to make a big difference in their lives. The healthier people are, the less insurance companies have to pay out. Everyone wins. I love the program and hope all insurance companies follow their lead. I encourage everyone to go out to the website to not only see the great commercials, but you find a way to get your groove on too!