

It took me a long time and a lot of thought to come up with my favorite thing. I love so many things…and something portable? Yikes. So, while I was baking some cookies for Zach’s 6th birthday tomorrow I figured it out….PAMPERS WET WIPES! You might now think there is a difference between one wipe to the next, but think again! It’s like comparing wool to cashmere. All Pampers wipes are thick and feel nice on your skin. Other brands you can see through and are harsh to the touch. When you are cleaning off a child that is trying to escape you while you wipe off the poop that crawled out the back of his diaper up his back, you want a quality wipe! But, not only do they clean butts, they have, many useful purposes. I carry them in my purse whenever I leave the house, especially with the kids. You never know when they will stick their hands into something, or get cotton candy all over their shirt! Not only do they clean kids, they clean everything! Have a hard time eating a chili dog and get it on your pants? Have your kid dump chocolate milk in your designer purse? Gum on the carpet? Done, done and done! They even spruce up a toddler’s hair when you are out and they get something in it, no need for water! Just grab a wet wipe! I have used them to clean butts, tables, faces, bags, you name it, I’ve used them! No sanitizer in the port-a-pottie? No problem! I have even to clean up the mess in the car when my coffee spills after pulling out of Caribou. Don’t believe me? Try using a Target or Walmart wipe! You will have poop in your finger nails! There are places to save pennies here and there, but not when it comes to wet wipes (or diapers, but that’s another conversation)! I am nearly completely out of the wipes stage in motherhood, but I will always have a pack of Pampers wipes laying around. I have even used to to do a quick dusting around the house! They honestly work on everything! Ever get a cold and have a raw nose from the kleenex, or the toilet paper? Use your last make-up remover face wipe? The wipes are hypo-allegenic, so your covered! Gentle even for a new born babies butt, but tough enough for any need on the go you can think of! Take it from this on the go Mom, homemaker and full time student….they are amazing and they can even fit in your in-flight bag on an airplane. Fresh scent are my favorite and the packing is durable enough to withstand a toddler attack and my bag I carry with me when I leave the house with the kids. Don’t like scent or sensitive? They have some for you too! Give it a whirl. You won’t regret it! Kid tested, Mother approved! 🙂